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Graduates of the emotional intelligence course.
خريجات دورة الذكاء الوجداني.

Training & Workshops

I offer sessions and courses to raise the level of psychological competence, self-development and life skills development, which will help you Training sessions help you understand the secrets of your mental and emotional structure and control the secrets of your inner world, which gives you   More ability to control the events of your outside world.

What is new in my sessions and courses is that you are an active partner and not a passive recipient Your responsiveness and sincere commitment will determine the level of real growth in your skill acquisition And the necessary tools to rise to the highest level you want, and overcome all your psychological and social crises I also provide you with marital counseling assistance, whether in searching for a suitable partner or preparing To build the marital institution or to maintain an intimate marital relationship, building a family is the most correct matter It is complex and its success depends on your culture and your constant pursuit of success.

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ورشات العمل و الدورات القادمة

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من الدورات و ورشات العمل السابقة

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